Wednesday, September 14, 2011

A Vintage Afternoon...

     I love taking pictures...that's a given. But it's so much fun when you have a session with one of your friends! I am so blessed to have some new friends in my life.  Lisa is one of those friends and she happens to have three of the cutest kids!  Lucky me!  We had fun playing outside on one of the hottest afternoons in September! She's quite the creative one! I'm not sure if you have stumbled across the best new Christmas Tradition, but it's worth a look.  Check this's called The Christmas AngelI am so excited to teach my boys the true meaning of Christmas this year with the help of a certain little angel.  I want them to understand that it's about giving and not receiving.  Here's a link to their website...go take a look for yourself! 
      Here are a few pictures from our playdate together...

Speaking of's right around the corner! I'm thinking mini sessions...maybe "Cookies with Santa!" Details coming soon! Peace & Blessings! 

Monday, May 9, 2011

I Heart Faces Photo Challenge/ Motherhood

This weeks challenge is a photo that represents "motherhood." To me, it is precious to see a mother holding a newborn baby.  Think about this...newborns turn into toddlers and they continue to grow and amaze us the older they get.  Then, out of nowhere, there is a point when your children choose when you can hold them.  I love this picture, because it just shows that no matter how old you still love your mother! (Even if you are taller than her:) 
Happy Mother's everyone!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Mine on Monday...

It seems like I rarely have time to edit photos of my own babies! So, I decided that on Monday's I would set aside some time to edit the pictures of some of my favorite (not to mention...most patient) models!  Sports are an everyday thing around here, as is Febreze! I love the ball park, the football field, the wrestling mat, the soccer field and even the gym! Sure it get's hectic, but it's fun and exciting! I wouldn't trade it for the world!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

So...I think I have time to blog....

I love it when you sit down to go through your session pictures and find that you were lucky enough to capture a real moment! You know, that split second when they forgot you were there?  They become the family that they are at home without the crazy lady following them around like paparazzi.  I'm not sure just how good I will be at blogging, but I will try.  I will try to let you in on the real.  I will try to give you an honest glimpse into who I really am.  I'm excited! I mean, how hard could it really be to find an extra hour or two here and there to blog.  Seriously? Very hard around here.  Hey, I said I would try! Happy Easter!